The extreme indices of the Cecilia project calculated using the Matlab scripts are currently (November 27, 2008) calculated for the following models: 1. 10 PRUDENCE control runs: DMI.HC1, ETH.HC_CTL, GKSS.CTL, HC.adeha.1960-1990, ICTP.ref, KNMI.HC1, METNO.HADCN, MPI.3003.1960-1990, SMHI.HCCTL, UCM.control.1960-1990. 10 PRUDENCE scenario runs: DMI.HS1, ETH.HC_A2, GKSS.SA2, HC.adhfa.2070-2100, ICTP.A2, KNMI.HA2, METNO.HADA2, MPI.3006.2070-2100, SMHI.HCA2, UCM.a2.2070-2100. 2. 14 ENSEMBLES control runs: C4IRCA3_CTL, CHMIALADIN_CY28, CNRM-RM4.5_CTL, DMI-HIRHAM5_CTL, ETHZ-CLM_CTL, METO-HC_HadRM3.0_CTL, ICTP-REGCM3_CTL, INMRCA3_CTL, KNMI-RACMO2_CTL, METNOHIRHAM_CTR, MPI-M-REMO_CTL, OURANOSMRCC4.2.1_CTL, SMHIRCA_CTR, UCLM-PROMES_CTL. 1 ENSEMBLES gridded observation set: 0.22deg_rotated_version1.0. 1 ENSEMBLES control run driving model run: CNRM_ARPEGE4.5_CTL. 3. 11 ENSEMBLES transient runs: C4IRCA3_A1B_HadCM3-e1, C4IRCA3_A2_ECHAM5, CNRM-RM4.5_SCN_ARPEGE, DMI-HIRHAM5_A1B_ARPEGE, ETHZ-CLM_SCN_HadCM3Q0, METO-HC_HadRM3Q0_A1B_HadCM3Q0 (not completed), KNMI-RACMO2_A1B_ECHAM5-r3, METNOHIRHAM_SRESA1B_BCM, MPI-M-REMO_SCN_ECHAM5, OURANOSMRCC4.2.1_A1B_CGCM3, UCLM-PROMES_A1B_HadCM3-e1. All text files with Cecilia indices calculated using the above mentioned runs contain the following: Line 1: Number and name of the indiex, e.g. '%Index 001: Mean Tmax' Line 2: Units of the index, e.g. '%Units: degC' Line 3: Short description of column values. The first four columns are always described as 'Lat# Lat Lon# Lon' representing a specific grid point coordinate, where 'Lat#' is the latitude number going from 1 to the total number of latitude bands, 'Lat' is the latitude value, 'Lon#' is the longitude number going from 1 to the total number of latitude bands, and 'Lon' is the longitude value. The next columns represent the different time frames used to calculate a certain index value. First comes the annual time frame values ('Y'), then the seasonal values ('S') and last the monthly time frame values ('M'). Examples: 'Y1' means the value is calculated using the first year of daily data, for the model and grid point in question. 'Y1-10' means the value is calculated using the first ten years of daily data, for the model and grid point in question. 'S2Y21-30' means the value is calculated using the second season (March-May) for the years 21-30, for the model and grid point in question. 'M10Y16' means the value is calculated using data for month 10 (October) for the 16th year, for the model and grid point in question. For all models, S1 refers to season DJF, S2 refers to MAM, S3 refers to JJA, and S4 refers to SON. For all models, M1 refers to the month of January and so on. For the Prudence control runs, Y1 refers to 1961 and Y30 refers to 1990. For the Prudence scenario runs, Y1 refers to 2071 and Y30 refers to 2100. For the Ensemble control runs (including the gridded observations), Y1 refers to 1961 and Y40 refers to 2000. For the Ensemble transient runs, Y1 refers to 1951 and Y150 refers to 2100. Line 4 onward: Here are all the index values given for the specific grid point and time frame in question. For further help or to report any errors, please contact Fredrik Boberg,